Import Cashbook Transactions with Multiple GL Allocations
Bank Recon allows you to import one cashbook transaction that has multiple General Ledger Allocations associated with it.
To do this you make use of the Optional GroupId Column allowed in the Cashbook Import Definition query
You import each individual allocation as a separate record with the appropriate GL mapping
Give each individual allocation that belongs to one Cashbook Transaction the same GroupID Value
On Import Bank Recon groups the transactions on this ID and creates a single cashbook transaction with multiple Cashbook Transaction Allocation records associated to it
The total amount for this single Transaction is the sum of all the allocations in the group
The Cashbook Transaction details are pulled from the first allocation in the Group so the ordering of your records will affect this
Source Records
Cashbook Transaction Records
Created according to GroupID with the details from the first allocation record processed and the amount the sum of all the allocations
Cashbook Transaction Allocation Records
Details, Inclusive Amount, and Vat Amount as per individually imported allocations