Configure Bank Recon to send an email from a tag
It is possible to send an email directly from a tag. In order to do this you need to complete a little bit of configuration first.
This is available to both Windows Authentication and Forms Authentication implementations.
When Windows Authentication is applied, the users email address is read from Active Directory.
If Forms Authentication is applied, a valid email address needs to be associated with the user. You can do this on the Setup>Users>Add/Edit User screen.
You need to set up an smtp server that Bank Recon can use to send the email. Navigate to Setup>Site Configurations>General to do this. The following settings are available
SMTP Host - A valid smtp server
SMTP Port - the port to use to communicate with the smtp server
SMTP Username - a username to access the smtp server if required
SMTP Password - the password for the user
SMTP Enable SSL - check if your smtp server requires an ssl connection
As long as the users have rights to Save a tag, they'll now be able to send an email. The email comes from the user directly so any replies will go to their inbox.